

you use them how many times per day?
when you go somewhere new you can't find them.
maybe, you can't trust them.

'tis plugs i'm talking about. switches. electricity, man.

walking through the rara republic's new headquarters is like taking a walk through the museum of electrical connections. every era is represented. every style. it is possible to see representatives from almost one of each on the same wall!
none of them aligned.
very few of them straight.

this business of renovating is kinda hard work. we get up in the morning, eat, dress, pack the car for the day like we're packing for a week, for a year. we traverse the city. we renovate. we come home again in time for tea, tired and dusty.
i've sanded me a new set of fingerprints. i'm working up a new set of muscles. we're all learning to swear like builders & have developed the knack of wearing our trousers too low.

we've knocked out walls, hauled up carpets, ripped down ceilings, sanded, stripped, drunk coffee and swore. we're trying to do this all as carefully as possible as we're planning on re-using as much of the timber as possible- the timber, beautiful heart rimu, is no longer logged & so is as precious as the real thing in the bush..... we've saved the bath (you never know, when we're finished we might be able to make a midnight outdoor bath bonanza) we've saved the laundry tub (plans of a darkroom in the garage) we even found some old cinema seats the other day that, when we've finished renovating, we can restore and put in the hall way....

i've planted about 6 tomatoes and enough salady items to keep our folates going for the summer.

and also, most importantly, we planted our first tree.

an olive.

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laceybediz said...

sounds great bec-- I gotta tell Ki to read this-- you to can commiserate together with the reno process!!! Sounds like a great project & isnt physical labor the best?!?!?

la famille may bouffandeau said...

oh yes!