
the dump

i am a squirrel.
i am a squirrel-like magpie.
i am a squirrel-like magpie with womble tendencies.

yesterday we went to the dump. it wasn't the dump of old: the giant landfill crawling with dozers and screaming seagulls circling, where you were free to forage. it was the dump of new, the eco-depot- i giant concrete building where everyone neatly backed up their trailers to the edge to tip their excesses into a hole which the dozer quickly whisked away. the sorting and foraging is no longer done by me and you, it's done by a team of people who decide if it's useful or not and then send it off to the shed.
the shed is a really great shop where you can buy other peoples rubbish (little treasures) for 50c or so and use it to make other stuff with...
so the dump has lost its essence of freedom, of gleaning, of making good use of the things that you find... but it's now taking better care of our earth.

(but it still smells the same)

mama b
(fosicker extraordinaire)

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