
le sport

men the world over are united by balls.
round balls, oval balls, dimpled balls. of all sizes.
our little man has passed over previous obsessions of vacuum cleaner plugs and hammers and progressed to the more manly ball. his collection consists of a round, green, rubber ball; a small spongy 'basket' ball; a tennis ball; and of course, a rugby ball (- we're not raising our son to be sport biased).
his throws are becoming increasingly coordinated.

can you imagine his glee when he discovered that the pirate also has a penchant for chasing balls?

the little boy and the grown-up cat spent a good half hour in pursuit of the fluffy round tennis ball. c was in charge of throwing and laughing (great, round, belly laughs) while the pirate was in charge of launching elaborate attacks from under the table, giving it a left and a right hook that i think even maradona would have been pleased with the results of.

and after a couple of lessons from his number 1 french nannie (currently taking her vacances with us in the republic) c progressed to kicking the ball about!! given a little encouragement he was pleased to mimick mama on the sideline yelling 'goal' (with his hands up in the air).

you can see where my saturdays are going to end up now, can't you.

mama b
(footballer's mama?)

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