

what would a summer be without sunshine?

but a summer without love, could you imagine that either?

meet Sunny Lee, 5 years old. sunny and her mum, sally (who calix called 'mum') have been visiting from england. this was their first big trip to the southern hemisphere, their first beach-side camping christmas and so it's only fair that she was calix' first love.

on arriving at the airport, the boy who was too big to hold his mama's hand, gladly took that of sunny while she led him across the carpark; when he woke in the morning her name was the first he uttered. he laughed at her jokes, burried her with sand, offered her his marmite sandwiches. they bathed together, played together, danced in the sea together.

alas, these summer romances always seem to come to an end with someone jetting off into the sunset... sunny and her mum yesterday caught the plane back to england.

the house is empty and quiet.

calix still asks after his petite amie.

and her mum.

mama b
(not quite planning the wedding, but still looking at hats all the same)
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