
summer in winter

it is very confusing writing about summer while the horizontal rain pelts the windows.
it was a very confusing summer.
at the beginning of the summer pascal and tom went for a surf on tom's birthday. mid-november, the sea's temperatures haven't yet caught up with the season so surfing is a brave thing to do.
but this is what men do when they're dedicated surfers.
they made a deal, that, henceforth, the pair of them would make either of their birthdays the first and last surf of the season. pascal's birthday, being in april, was an equally brave commitment.
but april arrived and despite the earth having already tipped on its axis, nobody noticed it wasn't summer any more.
the problem with summer in april is that there are choices to be made- is it too late to consider buying a second pair of jandals?
can i make the last of the suncream last the last of the sunshine?

while march is considered an early easter, usually by an april easter we've already experienced our first frost of the season. but not this year. our first frost wouldn't come for another 2 months!

mama b

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1 comment:

Kate said...

Hi mama b,
Thanks for coming to my blog! I would so love someone to make me one of those compost bins too. I am going to see if I can find a local potter who will do one for me. Let me know if you do too!
Happy blogging in the rara republic!