touch down!!
the rara republic has landed.
we're about 8 minutes walk (at a slowish pace) to the beach, four minutes walk to the reserve: acres and acres of pine forest, an estuary, cycle paths that go for almost 20km... we've got a little patch of land that from this moment forward will not see one drop of chemical, where the plants and animals and people will coexist in harmony. and if you like 80s carpet, we have a charming little bungalow to boot!!
so, forgive me, if you think i've been slack in writing it might just be that it's about to get a little slacker as we take up the new hobby of converting former nomads into home owners, as we make this little house our home. we have grand plans for knocking out walls and opening up spaces to let in light and the garden.
of course, you're welcome!!!
Hi! HOpe EveRybOdy's fiNe? JuSt a LiTTle mEssaGe tO TeLL YoU tHaT YoU ShouLd tRaNsLaTE YoUr PoStS tO PrActiCe! We FollOw yOuR StoRiEs iN FrAnCe BuT SomEtiMeS iT'S qUiTE HaRd tO UnDeRStaND fOr Us...
All the best, lots of kisses, especially for little Calix
Congratulations on your new home!! Cléa wishes she could come crawl around in your beautiful NZ grass with her boyfriend. bises to the 3 of you!
yeeha-- i cant wait to visit some day!!!
I just read your archives. Love your blog! Look forward to reading more.
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