
101 things to do with a courgette

and the living is easy

our vege garden's growing at an alarming rate of knots, staying green and as lush as the spring's first bud. and we have courgettes. oh yes. zucchini to some folk, marrows to others who don't pay attention. the challenge is to come up with a new recipe every day. our first courgettes joined humble eggs and shallots to become a part of a garden fresh ommelette. the second group married carrots and parmesan in a set of scones. i bought a french cook book and they've suggested courgette gratin and souffle; but you know how it is, they just keep coming and coming. pascal's thought of combining them with chocolate to make a cake...

next on the harvest agenda is the tomato. i watch them flower; i watch the fruit become plump; i survey their progress daily as it seems my little tomato jungle grows before my eyes. 'tis a variety that should be good for drying & bottling. which is nice, because it looks like we might have a few million on our hands any minute now.

and then there's corn.

oh yes..


we already know there's 101 things to do with corn, beside feeding it to the chickens.

but for now, it's courgettes. we've up to 5 things to do with a courgette. suggestions, ideas on the back of a postcard to:

mama b
(lover of all things green, especially the royal courgette)


Anonymous said...

Aloha my dear,

My recipe for the day:
Stuffed Zucchini-Blossoms...

Remove the inner-blossom-stamp and clean the Blossom of dust and dirt. Mix together cream-cheese with spring-onions, oregano, basil, garlic, tomatoes (plus whatever you fancy) and carefully stuff the blossom (little tricky - but just borrow pascal's hands). Twist the end to close it.

Proceed to make a pancake-like-dough with Flour, Eggyolk, Water and Salt, dip the stuffed blossom in it and either fry it in hot oil for a few minutes or put it in the oven for 10 minutes (180°).

Voilá and enjoy...

la famille may bouffandeau said...

mmm i was wandering what to do with those babies! brilliant
merci danke