
concept development.

"teeee nyum" calix says as he indicates to a blackbird foraging for worms amongst leaf litter, thus offering me his first sentence. the brain is making connections; our wee man is developing concepts.
words are arriving fast: weetbix, pain (bread) bot (gumboot), as more connections are made c is able to tell us what he wants. his recognition skills go beyond food, he recognises his best friend (ma' -max) in a photo and last night dragged me into the office to point at the computer and say 'nannie' (i think a skype rendezvous is in order!) at dinner time he announces 'à table!'.
he's happy to repeat anything you say- petit bébé, for example, after meeting his first little baby.
one of his favourite games is pointing to his various body parts: tête, nez, bouche, oreilles, yeux (head, nose, mouth, ears).....

but why limit yourself to just learning french?

calix recognises that chien and dog are both hmmhmm. listening into an english conversation he will just as easily offer hmmhmm or repeat 'dog'. how he learnt this i'm not sure, as p and i only speak to him in french.

soon, no doubt, he will be able to offer us lessons in modern liguistics- what's cool, or what's not hip...

mama b

1 comment:

la famille may bouffandeau said...

"petitpetit" i've come to the conclusion is calix saying bon appetit...