
the optimistic gardener

while the weather continues to bite, i trawl the internet in search of heirloom vegetable seeds for sowing in anticipation of the summer garden. salads, tomatoes, maori potatoes. all high nutrition food, all frost tender.
in a brief weather interlude this afternoon i busied myself in the garden, making the last of the preparations for our fruit trees: tickle the soil, layer thick newspaper, twigs, seaweed, compost and peastraw and leave the rest of the work to the worms. of course, my seaweed supply ran short so later on we were combing the beach.
today's wintery high tide threw up many luscious species of algae; my marinebiologist friend informs me all of which are edible (although some are better than others). the beach was dressed for a party as the algae lay like pearls spilled from a necklace, like silk torn from a ball dress, or like the great long leathery seamonsters that had landed on the beach, uninvited and spoiled the occassion. today's wintery wind whipped my imagination into a frenzy as i stuffed these ocean gifts into a bag to take home to my garden.
being a gardener not only allows for year round optimism, while carrying out those meanial tasks it demands it gives you time to dream a little.

mama b

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